72 research outputs found

    Projeto péativo: promoção da deslocação ativa, atividade lúdico-motora, saúde e bem-estar em crianças do pré-escolar

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    Atualmente as crianças passam grande parte do seu tempo livre em atividades sedentárias que, aliadas a uma alimentação hipercalórica e a baixos níveis de atividade física (AF) têm contribuído para os elevados índices de obesidade infantil. A criação de oportunidades/motivação/encorajamento para a prática regular de AF, logo na primeira infância, oferecem maiores oportunidades para promover o desenvolvimento neuromotor, permitindo também o desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras fundamentais. Objetivos: (1) proporcionar a deslocação ativa para o jardim-de-infância; (2) ocupar o tempo não letivo, com atividades lúdico-motoras; (3) sensibilizar as crianças e encarregados de educação para os benefícios da prática de AF e de uma alimentação saudável; (4) estudar os efeitos do programa de intervenção nos níveis de AF habitual, na redução de comportamentos sedentários, no aporte calórico, no equilíbrio e função cognitiva das crianças. A amostra será constituída por 39 crianças com idades entre os 4-5 anos. Será aplicado um programa de intervenção com deslocações ativas para a escola; atividades lúdico motoras; sessões de aconselhamento e acompanhamento geral de saúde. Conclusão: É esperado que no final desta intervenção as crianças apresentem níveis superiores de AF habitual, menos comportamentos sedentários e uma alimentação mais saudável

    The acute impact of the early stages of COVID-19 pandemic in people with pre-existing psychiatric disorders: a systematic review

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    People with pre-pandemic health conditions are more vulnerable and more likely to suffer greater psychosocial impact due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures. Thus, the objective of this work was to systematically review the impact of the early stages COVID-19 pandemic on people with pre-existing psychiatric disorders. The search was performed between 23 January and 2 September 2021 in PubMed, PsycINFO, and EMBASE. A total of 4167 published results were identified; however, only 49 were included in this review. Results show that there was considerable heterogeneity among studies, which resulted in a low consensus. However, it seems that the impact of the first stage of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychiatric disorders was two-fold: (1) an overall effect, in which people suffering from psychiatric disorders in general experienced more psychological distress and anxiety when compared to people who had no psychiatric diagnosis, and (2) a condition-specific effect, namely in people suffering from eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders. Moreover, the current work highlights that there were also some external factors that were related to worsening symptoms. For instance, unemployment or experiencing work and financial difficulties can be a trigger for greater distress during the pandemic for people with mood disorders, and being alone and in social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic may actually increase substance use and relapse rates. Further studies are needed to prospectively investigate the long-term effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic on people with (pre)-existing psychiatric conditions and on the onset or deterioration of psychiatric-related symptoms in a larger number of participants, as well as exploring the long-term effects of the current pandemic on mental health.This work was partially supported by FEDER funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade-COMPETE, by national funds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the projects PTDC/PSI-ESP/29701/2017 and PTDC/PSI-ESP/30280/2017. It was also supported by grant FCT UIDB/04810/2020 from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology to the William James Center for Research

    Caracterização dos índices de excesso de peso, desempenho motor, cognitivo e estilos de vida de crianças e idosos que partilham o mesmo espaço institucional

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi caraterizar o desempenho motor, cognitivo, estilos de vida e índices de obesidade, de crianças e idosos que partilham o mesmo espaço institucional. A amostra foi constituída por 83 sujeitos, 42 idosos e 41 crianças. O MMSE, o teste de equilíbrio dinâmico e estático de Bohannon foram aplicados aos idosos, as MPCR e a PDMS -2, às crianças. Os índices de obesidade foram avaliados pelo IMC, e a AF por um questionário. Crianças e idosos apresentaram elevados índices de obesidade (21,9%; 92,8%); 26,8% das crianças excederam as recomendações de TV; 39,5% obtiveram uma proficiência mínima e um índice intelectualmente superior. Os idosos apresentaram alterações no equilíbrio; 84,2% cumpriam as recomendações de AF; passaram 153,16 minutos/dia a ver TV e 29,3% apresentaram défice cognitivo. Os elevados índices de obesidade e a reduzida competência motora das crianças e dos idosos são preocupantes, pelo que deverão ser implementados programas de intervenção

    a arqueologia da laguna de Aveiro medieval e moderna nas rotas europeias e atlânticas

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013 SFRH/BD/68443/2010 SFRH/BD/76416/2011A investigação arqueológica tem demonstrado que as características da costa continental portuguesa, linear e muito exposta à ondulação, são desfavoráveis à conservação de contextos subaquáticos. Exceptuam-se as zonas estuarinas ou lagunares, que têm revelado nas últimas décadas importantes vestígios submersos, como o rio Arade, ou as áreas soterradas pelo desenvolvimento de zonas ribeirinhas, como é o caso do navio do Cais do Sodré, em Lisboa. Neste contexto, a Ria de Aveiro constitui um caso singular, quer pelo número, quer pela diversidade dos vestígios, protegidos durante séculos pelo assoreamento que deu origem a este sistema estuarino-lagunar de pouca profundidade. Entre os vestígios arqueológicos mais importantes, conta-se um contexto portuário num dos canais de acesso à cidade e três sítios de naufrágio do período medieval-moderno.authorsversionpublishe

    a First Report

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    SFRH/BD/75233/2010 SFRH/BD/76416/2011 UID/HIS/04666/2013In June 2014 CHAM developed an assessment mission of a collection of ship timbers scattered over Belinho beach, during the winter storms that affected the northern Portuguese coast. These timbers are part of a possible shipwreck context, with several archaeological materials, among which stands out a collection of pewter and copper alloy plates and porringers. These materials were recovered by the Esposende City Council that sent the artefacts for conservation and restoration and maintains the timbers in water tanks. This first assessment considered an analysis of the most important timbers, which allowed some preliminary considerations about the type of construction and the ship's chronology. The mission was supported by the Esposende City Council.publishersversionpublishe

    Development and psychometric properties of the Therapeutic Relationship Assessment Scale‐Nurse

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    Introduction: The therapeutic relationship (TR) is essential to providing psychiatric and mental health nursing care. Nevertheless, no assessment tools exclusive for assessing nursing TR were found in the literature. Aim: To describe and evaluate the psychometric properties (reliability and construct validity) of a scale that allows assessing the quality of TR established between the nurse and the patient. Method: A survey method was adopted, using a convenience sample of 356 mental health nurses. Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha and Omega index. Results: A total of 221 mental health nurses participated in the study (response rate = 62.08%). The scale's final structure has 25 items. Cronbach's alpha was 0.93, ranging from 0.78 to 0.88 for each of the factors. The cumulative variance explained in a four-factor structure was 71.12%. Discussion: The Therapeutic Relationship Assessment Scale (TRAS)-Nurse presents good psychometric properties. In the light of Benner's theory, it can be an useful tool for novice nurses to better understand what aspects they should pay attention to for establishing a successful TR. Implications for Practice: Mental health nurses can use the TRAS-Nurse, thus having a scale available that allows them to self-assess the quality of TR they establish with their patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tryptase in acute appendicitis: unveiling allergic connections through compelling evidence

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    This study is part of a research project which seeks to evaluate the immune–inflammatory response in AA, without specific funding. The cost of mast cell granule protein determination was supported by the Joaquim Chaves Lab.The aetiology of acute appendicitis (AA), the most frequent abdominal surgical emergency, is still unclarified. Recent epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory data point to an allergic component in the pathophysiology of AA. Mastocytes participate in the Th2 immune response, releasing inflammatory mediators from their granules upon stimulation by IgE-specific antigens. Among the well-known mediators are histamine, serotonin, and tryptase, which are responsible for the clinical manifestations of allergies. We conducted a prospective single-centre study to measure histamine and serotonin (commercial ELISA kit) and tryptase (ImmunoCAP System) concentrations in appendicular lavage fluid (ALF) and serum. Consecutive patients presenting to the emergency department with a clinical diagnosis of AA were enrolled: 22 patients with phlegmonous AA and 24 with gangrenous AA The control group was composed of 14 patients referred for colectomy for colon malignancy. Appendectomy was performed during colectomy. Tryptase levels were strikingly different between histological groups, both in ALF and serum (p < 0.001); ALF levels were higher than serum levels. Tryptase concentrations in ALF were 109 times higher in phlegmonous AA (APA) (796.8 (194.1-980.5) pg/mL) and 114 times higher in gangrenous AA (AGA) (837.4 (272.6-1075.1) pg/mL) than in the control group (7.3 (4.5-10.3) pg/mL. For the diagnosis of AA, the discriminative power of serum tryptase concentration was good (AUC = 0.825), but the discriminative power was weak (AUC = 0.559) for the differential diagnosis between APA and AGA. Mastocytes are involved in AA during clinical presentations of both phlegmonous and gangrenous appendicitis, and no significant differences in concentration were found. No differences were found in serum and ALF concentrations of histamine and serotonin between histological groups. Due to their short half-lives, these might have elapsed by the time the samples were collected. In future research, these determinations should be made immediately after appendectomy. Our findings confirm the hypersensitivity type I reaction as an event occurring in the pathogenesis of AA: tryptase levels in ALF and serum were higher among patients with AA when compared to the control group, which is in line with a Th2 immune response and supports the concept of the presence of an allergic reaction in the pathogenesis of acute appendicitis. Our results, if confirmed, may have clinical implications for the treatment of AA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A step forward

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    Funding: Authors gratefully acknowledge Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through projects UIDB/00645/2020, UIDB/04138/2020, PTDC/MED-QUI/31721/2017, UIDP/04138/2020 and Lusófona University, ULHT. Authors are also thankful to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020, UIDB/50017/2020), through national funds.Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) is a very rare subtype of thyroid carcinoma and one of the most lethal malignancies. Poor prognosis is mainly associated with its undifferentiated nature, inoperability, and failing to respond to the typically used therapies for thyroid cancer. Photothermal Therapy (PTT) entails using light to increase tissues’ temperature, leading to hyperthermia-mediated cell death. Tumours are more susceptible to heat as they are unable to dissipate it. By using functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) that transform light energy into heat, it is possible to target the heat to the tumour. This study aims to formulate ATC-targeted AuNPs able to convert near-infrared light into heat, for PTT of ATC. Different AuNPs were synthetized and coated. Size, morphology, and surface plasmon resonances band were determined. The optimized coated-AuNPs were then functionalized with ligands to assess ATC’s specificity. Safety, efficacy, and selectivity were assessed in vitro. The formulations were deemed safe when not irradiated (>70% cell viability) and selective for ATC. However, when irradiated, holo-transferrin-AuNPs were the most cytotoxic (22% of cell viability). The biodistribution and safety of this formulation was assessed in vivo. Overall, this novel formulation appears to be a highly promising approach to evaluate in a very near future.publishersversionpublishe